
Five Common Myths About Dog Grooming

May 19, 2020 10:52 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Just like you comb your own hair every day and wash it several times a week, you should also plan weekly grooming sessions for your dog. Regular grooming does so much for dogs. Done right, it can keep your dog clean, smelling good, feeling great and looking like a million bucks! But that’s not all—grooming can help prevent all sorts of skin and fur issues, such as matting, itchy skin and bald spots due to scratching. Shampooing and brushing can also uncover potential health problems, ranging from skin issues to lumps. A little bit of dog grooming research goes a... View Article

Can Dogs Contract COVID-19?

May 5, 2020 10:51 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) made the declaration that the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, is a global pandemic. Response to this news has been historic. The world has been in lockdown for weeks (or months, in some places) in the battle to end the spread of COVID-19. Businesses, schools and offices remain shut down, as people are worried about their health, their family’s health and, in some households, their pets’ health. Pet owners in Henderson, NV and nationwide want to know if there’s a connection between dogs and COVID-19. At this time, there is no evidence that pets... View Article