
Why Do Dogs Roll Around on Bath Towels?

January 30, 2019 10:32 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Have you ever had a dog that gets obsessed with rolling around on freshly used towels? This is a common phenomenon in dogs—if you leave out damp towels, they’re almost definitely going to go roll around on them. They might even try to roll around in laundry, if you have piles of laundry laying around in places where the dog can get to. Why exactly do dogs do this? Here’s some information from our experts in dog grooming in Henderson, NV. They love your scent Dogs quickly gain an affinity for the scents of their family members. Any time you... View Article

Why Does My Dog Still Smell Bad After a Bath?

January 16, 2019 10:32 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

One of the best ways to tell if your dog needs to be bathed is if you notice your dog carrying around an unpleasant odor. Perhaps you took the time to bathe your dog, only to find that your pup still smells bad after the bath is complete. So, if it wasn’t a need for a bath, what exactly could be causing these bad smells? Here’s some information from a team of dog groomers in Henderson, NV about some of the issues that could be troubling your dog: Ear infections: If a dog has developed a bacterial infection in its... View Article