
Why Proper Brushing Is Good for Your Dog’s Skin

July 26, 2018 9:00 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

At-home grooming is encouraged, but don’t stop scheduling professional dog grooming in Henderson, NV—treat your dog to pampering sessions and follow through with an important at-home grooming must: brushing! Here are six good reasons to brush your dog’s coat on a regular basis: Brushing removes loose dog hair: If you have dogs, then you are well aware of the shedding situation most pet parents face. From vacuuming up “dog bunnies” to using half a lint roller to remove dog hair from clothing, it’s a daily battle against fur. But don’t give up! Brush dogs regularly to reduce the amount of... View Article

How to Keep Pets Cool and Hydrated This Summer

July 12, 2018 9:00 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

How serious are veterinarians and pet stores about pet health in Henderson, NV? Very serious, which is why we want to help you maintain your pet’s health and keep them safe throughout the summer months. Here are a few ways to keep pets cool and hydrated this summer. The importance of proper hydration For their health and wellbeing, make sure your pets get enough water and stay hydrated. This is especially important in the summer, as hot days have the potential to be dangerous or even deadly. Proper hydration does the following: Promotes urinary tract health: When pets stay hydrated,... View Article