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Hold the Conditioner? Perhaps

June 13, 2022 2:28 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you asking yourself, “Is conditioner necessary for dogs?” While it may be a necessary part of your routine when you shower, you may feel that it is not as essential for your dog. However, the opposite is true. Dog conditioners come in handy for dogs that have itchy skin, long hair, or require frequent bathing. However, when shopping for a good dog conditioner, there are certain things you should look for. Choosing a Conditioner for Your Dog If you are wondering, “Should I use conditioner for my dog?” Overall, it is better to condition your dog than not to... View Article

Ultimate Guide to Pet Shampoos

May 31, 2022 2:27 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Bathing your dog is extremely important. It is also important to use the right shampoo since it cleans away excess oils, dirt, and sebum buildup from the hair and skin. Choosing the right type of dog shampoo is vital since it is formulated with pH levels that suit their fur. These shampoos also contain formulas that help with tearing and are gentle on their eyes if shampoo accidentally gets into them. Types of Dog Shampoo Choosing the right type of shampoo for your dog can be challenging if you don’t conduct enough research. If you don’t use the correct type... View Article

Harness Vs. Collars: Which Is Best for My Dog?

May 9, 2022 4:11 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As a pet owner, you may ask yourself: should my dog be wearing a collar or harness? Collars have been used for many decades, but harnesses are becoming more and more popular in recent years. Both these pieces of equipment have their advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered. In this article, we will compare the pros and cons of collars and harnesses, so you can decide on a harness or collar for your canine. Dog Collars: Pros and Cons Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of collars: Pros of Collars A collar is the easiest way to keep an... View Article

Is Your Dog Itching? It Might Not Be Because They’re Dirty, It May Be a Chicken Allergy!

May 5, 2022 4:10 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Did you know that the most common allergy for pets is chicken allergies? Chicken allergy in dogs is more common than you think. You may know someone who has a dog that will not eat chicken. The question is, how do you know if chicken is right for your dog?Some dogs can have very small amounts of chicken, but it shouldn’t be included as a part of their main diet. Other dogs may have to avoid chicken altogether. Symptoms of Chicken Allergies in Dogs Allergies to food normally don’t occur in dogs until the age of three. However, there are some... View Article

Paw Protection: Are Dog Shoes Necessary?

April 18, 2022 10:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Having a pet dog can be a great experience for you and everyone in your household. A pet dog quickly becomes a part of your family and will provide a lot of joy and great memories. Due to this, you will want to ensure that your dog is properly cared for with the resources and equipment it needs to be happy and healthy. One investment that many people will consider is getting a pair of dog shoes. For those wondering are dog shoes necessary, there are various benefits of these shoes that should be considered. Keep Dog’s Feet Warm One of... View Article