November 3, 2021 9:47 pm
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Every responsible dog owner knows that you must groom your pet. Those with long-haired pets are likely very familiar with this, because if you skip a couple of days of brushing, you’ll find plenty of knots and mats. Unfortunately, many dogs don’t like being groomed and are resistant to the whole process. Let’s look at the leading dog grooming behavior problems and how to address them. Why does my dog not like being groomed? This is a question many dog owners ask themselves. The reasons why they might not want to be groomed are varied and depend on the dog’s... View Article
October 21, 2021 7:44 pm
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Millions of people across the country take supplements for their health, but many pet owners don’t realize that supplements can also be beneficial for the health of their dogs. There are lots of vitamins and minerals that dogs don’t get from their diets. In addition, there are some vitamins that dogs need as they get older to promote health. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to learn more about health supplements for your dog. Most important vitamins and minerals for your dog If you’ve never given your dog supplements before, you might not know where to start when... View Article
October 7, 2021 7:44 pm
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Halloween is right around the corner, and it’s time to start planning for the spooky season. While most people associate Halloween with trick-or-treating, there are lots of different traditions that pet owners can participate in with their furry friends. Dogs can’t eat most of the Halloween treats that humans enjoy, but there are some special, dog-friendly Halloween treats that are perfect for four-legged family members. What are safe treats for dogs on Halloween? While you’re enjoying all your Halloween candy and festive treats, make sure that your dog feels included with some special snacks of their own. Here are some... View Article
September 22, 2021 11:19 pm
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The holiday season can be a joyous occasion for you, and it may even be an exciting time for your pet. But just like humans, our pets can also get stressed out during the holidays. It’s important for us to take extra care of them and keep an eye out for any potential holiday hazards, including dangerous decorations for pets. Here are some common holiday pet hazards to watch out for. Guests It can be exciting to have guests over, but it can also be overwhelming for pets. This is especially true for cats, who tend to be more aloof... View Article
September 8, 2021 11:19 pm
Published by Writer
Puppies are adorable. They’re just so small and cute and cuddly, and we often wish they could just stay as cute as they are as puppies forever. Unfortunately, that puppy will eventually grow up, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep them looking their best as the grow by taking them for regular grooming appointments. You may be wondering when to start puppy grooming. How early is too early? In general, puppies can be ready for their first grooming appointment when they are 10 to 16 weeks old. This will be after they have finished their second round of vaccines,... View Article