March 24, 2021 6:39 am
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Proper dog bathing is more difficult for breeds with heavy double coats. Dog undercoat cleaning is not as simple as letting your pup jump into the tub. Many herding, working and terrier breeds have double coats, including Irish terriers and Norfolk terriers, Akitas, malamutes, Bernese mountain dogs, huskies, sheepdogs, border collies, German shepherds and more. If you are concerned about proper dog bathing and you have one of these breeds in Henderson, NV, here are some things you should know about dog undercoat cleaning before bath time. Proper dog bathing schedules Double-coated dogs generally shed more than others, so it... View Article
March 10, 2021 6:39 am
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Dog grooming can take a lot more thought than you’d think. You don’t have to have a poodle with an elaborate cut and bows to require frequent trips to the groomer. Appropriate grooming schedules depend heavily on the breed of dog you have and their specific needs. All dogs should have their nails trimmed at least once a month no matter their breed, but beyond that there is a lot of variety. Here are some things to consider about your dog when creating a grooming schedule in Henderson, NV. Proper coat grooming The type of coat your dog has will... View Article
February 23, 2021 12:25 am
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Whether it’s from rolling in the mud, playing with a dead animal or getting sprayed by a skunk, dogs can get dirty and smelly quickly. Since these smells won’t go away on their own, it’s the pet owner’s responsibility to give them a bath every now and then. But perhaps you’re thinking, “My dog hates taking baths!” Like many dogs in Henderson, NV, perhaps your pet runs away anytime they think it might be time for a bath. Fortunately, there are several tricks to help keep your dog content until the bath is over. Keep reading to learn a few... View Article
February 9, 2021 12:25 am
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Feeding your dog leftover scraps off the table or giving them nibbles of other human food might seem harmless at first. After all, human food always seems to make them happy. While some fruits and veggies like apples, bananas, celery and carrots are safe foods for dogs in Henderson, NV, it’s important to note that dogs should be kept away from a long list of human foods. Continue reading to learn more about the top foods that can make your dog sick: Chocolate: It’s safe to assume that most pet owners know their dogs can’t have chocolate. Chocolate, coffee and... View Article
January 28, 2021 5:05 pm
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Whether you’re bringing home a new puppy or an older dog from the shelter, or your current pup is simply in need of a change in diet, it’s important that you spend some time researching available dog food options so you can choose one that will be the best fit for your dog. You should always start by getting recommendations for the best dog food from a veterinarian in Henderson, NV. They will almost certainly be able to provide you with a list of excellent brands and specific recommendations for your dog’s needs. But if you’re interested in doing your... View Article