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How to Prepare Your Puppy for Nail Trims

January 14, 2021 5:05 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

It’s quite common for dog owners to dread having to trim their pup’s nails. Many dogs hate the experience and will put up quite the fight. However, there are some ways you can train your dog to enjoy the experience, or at least relax while you or your groomer goes to work on the trim. Here are a few tips to help you calm your dog, as well as some other nail trimming tips in Henderson, NV. Start when they’re young As with most dog training tasks, it’s best to get them used to nail trims while they’re still young.... View Article

Benefits of a Raw Diet for Your Dog

January 1, 2021 7:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Are raw dog food diets really a good idea in Henderson, NV? If you’re interested in feeding your dog healthy homemade food, you may have heard about the growing popularity of raw food diets. As long as you make sure to meet your dog’s nutritional needs and can afford the ingredients, you could see a healthier, happier dog. However, this choice isn’t for everyone—sometimes regular bags of dog food are an easier and better way to go. Here’s what you need to know about a raw food diet. The components of a raw food diet Your dog needs a lot... View Article

How to Teach Your Dog to Wear Winter Boots

December 18, 2020 7:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When winter arrives, your dog needs extra protection. Despite the cold temperatures, they still need to take walks and work out their excess energy. That’s why some owners have their pets use dog boots for winter dog safety in Henderson, NV. If your pet is reluctant to step outside when it’s cold, teaching them to wear dog boots can help keep them warm and comfortable. Here’s how to train your dog to wear boots. Spoiler alert: it involves a lot of treats: Introduce the boots: Most dogs are not going to be pleased with boots on their paws. Before you... View Article

Winter Safety Tips for Dog Owners

November 27, 2020 2:56 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Henderson is fortunate among U.S. cities in that we’re lucky to have a climate that is somewhat kind to us when the winter months roll around. Even though it rarely dips below 30 degrees on the fiercest days, that temperature change can have a significant impact on your beloved family pooch. Fortunately, you can take steps to ensure your dog isn’t left feeling the winter blues. Here are some helpful dog safety tips to consider this winter in Henderson, NV. Limit time outside When the temperature drops below 50 degrees, your pup is at risk for frostbite, especially on their... View Article

How to Prepare Your Puppy for Their First Grooming Session

November 13, 2020 2:56 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When you first get your new puppy, you’re going to believe that there’s nothing they could ever do wrong. Then, they’ll tromp through their first puddle of mud. Your little pup will still be adorable… but they may also need a little bit of professional grooming attention. You might think you could do a perfectly fine job yourself, but before you dunk your pup in the tub, reconsider what a little help from the professionals might be able to accomplish. Puppy groomers in Henderson, NV serve a number of purposes. They ensure your dog is cleaned thoroughly, from tip to... View Article