October 27, 2020 11:22 pm
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Dogs love the holiday season. They scrounge the kitchen floor in search of turkey drippings and make their rounds at the dinner table. But don’t let those adorable puppy eyes guilt you into dropping a hunk of roast beef into their food bowl. Human food wreaks havoc on the canine digestive tract and could send your dog to the emergency room. Instead, encourage guests to offer your pooch a dog treat. There are plenty to choose from in Henderson, NV that will satisfy your dog’s taste for the holidays. Below you’ll discover safe treats for dogs that are even better... View Article
October 13, 2020 11:21 pm
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Many pet owners in Henderson, NV don’t understand why some dogs treat a bit of soap and water like a death sentence. However, grooming anxiety is a legitimate concern and should be taken seriously. The good news is there are plenty of ways you can help. If your pup hates a scrub down, check out these tips for curing bath time anxiety. Install pet-friendly shower gadgets Some helpful gadgets can be a quick fix for your pup’s bath time anxiety. Consider purchasing a non-slip bath mat if your dog stands rigid and refuses to move during a scrub down. Many... View Article
September 23, 2020 8:15 pm
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Every pet parent wants their dogs to be happy and healthy, but they also want their dogs to look their best. It’s very common for dogs to develop tear stains as they age. These tear stains can appear as reddish or brown stains around the eyes. These stains are most noticeable in breeds with white or light-colored coats. If you want to prevent or minimize the appearance of dog tear stains in Henderson, NV, follow some key tips and tricks. What causes tear stains? Tear stains are caused by an overproduction of tears. Excessive tear production can be caused by... View Article
September 9, 2020 8:15 pm
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Regular baths are important to keep dogs clean, healthy and happy, but they can also leave your dog with water in his ears that can be irritating, disorienting and even likely to increase the risk of medical problems developing. Understanding how to remove water from your dog’s ears is important, especially after dog baths in Henderson, NV. Keep reading to learn how to properly clean your dog’s ears to keep water out. Why it’s important to clean your dog’s ears After swimming or getting a bath, you might notice that your dog shakes his head vigorously. Dogs do this to... View Article
August 22, 2020 12:15 am
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Now that we’re entering the hottest months of the year, people throughout Nevada are beginning to feel the heat. As much as the long summer days and triple-digit temperatures might take it out of you, they are even harder on your furry friends. It’s during the dog days of summer that pet owners should take extra care to ensure their beloved dog’s or cat’s health. With all that in mind, here are some tips for summer pet care and safety in Henderson, NV. Mind the pavement temperature When it’s time to get your dog out for a walk, the first... View Article