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How to Trim Your Dog’s Nails

September 25, 2018 3:52 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Whenever you go to the dog groomer, you can have the groomer take care of clipping your dog’s nails for you. Otherwise, in between appointments, you’re going to need to handle the task yourself. Unless your dog is frequently running on hard surfaces that naturally keep their nails short, you’ll need to trim the nails every week or two. When you hear that clicking, you know it’s time for a trim. Most dogs really despise having their nails trimmed, so it’s usually not going to be an enjoyable activity for either the dog or the human. You can make the... View Article

How to Choose the Right Shampoo for Your Dog

September 11, 2018 3:51 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There are many varieties of coats for dogs—all it takes is one trip to the dog park or a walk around your neighborhood to see the sheer number of different types of coats from breed to breed. While the grooming needs for dogs will vary widely, all dogs have coats that need to be kept clean for them to be truly healthy. The frequency with which you wash and shampoo your dog will depend on the breed and the coat, but no matter what kind of dog you have, it’s important you know what kind of shampoo to use. You’re... View Article

At What Age Can Your Pet Be Taken in for Grooming?

August 28, 2018 9:17 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’ve recently brought home a new puppy, you might be wondering how long you need to wait before you can start taking your puppy to the groomer. It’s important that, no matter what, you make your puppy’s first grooming experience a positive one so all future experiences will go as smoothly as possible. Help your puppy get used to grooming at home first by performing some basic grooming tasks. You should regularly touch, pet and pat your puppy all over its body, including paws and toes. This will help your puppy get used to being handled. Socializing your puppy... View Article

Grooming Supplies Every Dog Owner Needs

August 14, 2018 9:17 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Every dog owner should have at least a basic set of grooming supplies to keep up with their dog’s grooming needs. Some simple maintenance, such as brushing the dog’s hair and trimming its nails, is necessary and among the most basic needs your dog has. Need to know exactly which supplies you should have? Here is a closer look at some of the equipment you should have in your home for successful dog grooming in Henderson, NV. While you certainly don’t need a professional pet salon sort of setup, these simple tools will come in handy. Combs and brushes Different... View Article

Why Proper Brushing Is Good for Your Dog’s Skin

July 26, 2018 9:00 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

At-home grooming is encouraged, but don’t stop scheduling professional dog grooming in Henderson, NV—treat your dog to pampering sessions and follow through with an important at-home grooming must: brushing! Here are six good reasons to brush your dog’s coat on a regular basis: Brushing removes loose dog hair: If you have dogs, then you are well aware of the shedding situation most pet parents face. From vacuuming up “dog bunnies” to using half a lint roller to remove dog hair from clothing, it’s a daily battle against fur. But don’t give up! Brush dogs regularly to reduce the amount of... View Article