September 23, 2020 8:15 pm
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Every pet parent wants their dogs to be happy and healthy, but they also want their dogs to look their best. It’s very common for dogs to develop tear stains as they age. These tear stains can appear as reddish or brown stains around the eyes. These stains are most noticeable in breeds with white or light-colored coats. If you want to prevent or minimize the appearance of dog tear stains in Henderson, NV, follow some key tips and tricks. What causes tear stains? Tear stains are caused by an overproduction of tears. Excessive tear production can be caused by... View Article
May 19, 2020 10:52 pm
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Just like you comb your own hair every day and wash it several times a week, you should also plan weekly grooming sessions for your dog. Regular grooming does so much for dogs. Done right, it can keep your dog clean, smelling good, feeling great and looking like a million bucks! But that’s not all—grooming can help prevent all sorts of skin and fur issues, such as matting, itchy skin and bald spots due to scratching. Shampooing and brushing can also uncover potential health problems, ranging from skin issues to lumps. A little bit of dog grooming research goes a... View Article
April 8, 2020 5:54 pm
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It’s no secret that making sure your dog is appropriately groomed is crucial to their long-term health. It improves a dog’s smell and makes their coat sleek and shiny (and it reduces shedding, too). Cleaning allows owners the opportunity to look for pests residing on their dog’s body and signs of any health issues that might be developing. Regular attention can reduce the possibility of ear infections. Nail trimming can diminish the likelihood of issues with posture. Of course, to get the most out of your dog’s grooming, you need the right tools. Here are some essential dog grooming materials... View Article
March 12, 2020 5:53 am
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Making sure your dog is groomed correctly goes hand in hand with adopting a dog. Keeping their teeth and coat clean is just as important as making sure they exercise and get plenty of cuddles. Proper grooming improves your dog’s physical health, and it allows you to monitor for cuts, bumps and other signs of illness. Grooming keeps your dog free of parasites, and it ensures their skin isn’t dry and itchy. In short, dog grooming is an essential part of being a responsible dog owner. While most owners don’t choose their furry friend based solely on their grooming needs,... View Article
February 26, 2020 7:28 pm
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It’s not at all unusual for some dogs to be very anxious when they go to the groomer. Grooming anxiety is a very real thing in dogs, and can manifest itself in a wide variety of ways, from simple panting or salivating to trembling, wining, barking and even becoming ill. Whether or not a dog will suffer from grooming anxiety is nearly impossible to predict—even dogs that have been well socialized might have a difficult time at the groomer. The good news is that there are some steps you can take to cut down on your dog’s grooming anxiety in... View Article