October 21, 2021 7:44 pm
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Millions of people across the country take supplements for their health, but many pet owners don’t realize that supplements can also be beneficial for the health of their dogs. There are lots of vitamins and minerals that dogs don’t get from their diets. In addition, there are some vitamins that dogs need as they get older to promote health. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to learn more about health supplements for your dog. Most important vitamins and minerals for your dog If you’ve never given your dog supplements before, you might not know where to start when... View Article
May 5, 2020 10:51 pm
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In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) made the declaration that the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, is a global pandemic. Response to this news has been historic. The world has been in lockdown for weeks (or months, in some places) in the battle to end the spread of COVID-19. Businesses, schools and offices remain shut down, as people are worried about their health, their family’s health and, in some households, their pets’ health. Pet owners in Henderson, NV and nationwide want to know if there’s a connection between dogs and COVID-19. At this time, there is no evidence that pets... View Article
April 12, 2018 4:56 am
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Houseplants bring pops of color into the home, and tie décor together. While there are a number of houseplants that are perfectly safe for both you and your furry friends, a number of the most common houseplants are actually poisonous and very dangerous to dogs. Before you bring a new houseplant into your abode, you should ensure that it won’t cause any harm to your precious pup. You may want to consult with experts in dog health in Henderson, NV to learn more about which types of houseplants are safe for dog-friendly households. Dogs, particularly younger puppies, love to chew... View Article