May 16, 2019 6:46 pm
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If you love taking your dog out in the great outdoors, like going hiking, camping or fishing, chances are, they’re eventually going to have an encounter with foxtails. These might seem like a simple annoyance that can be discarded, but they’re actually much more dangerous than you think. The fact is that foxtails are like small arrows capable of diving deeper into the dog’s body and causing a variety of problems. You always want to be prepared to help your pooch with the help of a store specializing in pet supplies in Henderson, NV. Let’s take a look at what... View Article
April 26, 2019 10:16 pm
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There’s a lot more to the good health of your pets than ensuring they eat well, go to their vet appointments and get plenty of exercise. Grooming a dog is another key part of ensuring your dog’s overall wellbeing. Some dog owners groom their own pets, but others prefer to leave it up to the experts, who are highly skilled in making your dog look great and also provide add-on services like nail trimmings and ear and teeth cleanings. You should do plenty of research about potential groomers in your area before you ever actually set foot inside a dog... View Article
April 12, 2019 10:15 pm
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If you have a dog, you know just how much they tend to be drawn to mud puddles and piles of leaves… or piles of things much more disgusting. You can’t really escape the fact that dogs love to roll around and get dirty—it’s part of what makes them dogs. But, of course, you also likely don’t want to have to deal with a dog dragging mud and muck all through your house, or stinking the whole place up, which means it’s important for you to be well-stocked with shampoos and conditioners for bath time. What are the best types... View Article
April 1, 2019 11:47 pm
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One of the most common questions we receive from people who do some of their dog grooming at home, and even from some new professional dog groomers, is, “How can I complete the process more quickly?” Keep in mind that you should never try to rush through a grooming, as this could frighten the pet and make accidents more likely. Still, there are a few tricks of the trade you can employ to make the process go a little more smoothly and efficiently. With this in mind, here are some grooming tips in Henderson, NV to consider: Have a routine... View Article
March 18, 2019 11:47 pm
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Have you noticed lately that your dog’s coat feels a bit more coarse than usual? It may just be a bad hair day, but it could also be a sign of an underlying health issue. Keeping an eye on the health of your dog’s coat could help you to figure out whether there’s anything wrong with the dog. If a dog is not well, its body will first focus on protecting all of its vital organs. This may result in the skin being depleted of some of the nutrients that are normally found there in abundance, resulting in dry skin... View Article